I have a source database file field which holds the date in CYYMMDD format, 'C' holds a value of either '0' or '1', '0' denotes a Century starting 19 and '1' denotes 20.
Field value of 1100607 = 20100607 and
Field value of 0991231 = 19991231
I've created the following Formula Fields which seem to do the trick however when I automate the Report I experience an error which states that the Month Value must be a value in the range of 1 to 12. I have checked the Source Data File and all values look to meet my expectations in relationship to CYYMMDD format.
"DateAsText" (Order Creation Date):
if {ORDERHDR.DTCO40}<=1000000 then "0"+ CStr ({ORDERHDR.DTCO40}) else CStr ({ORDERHDR.DTCO40})
"Year" (Order Date YYYY):
if left({@DateAsText},1) = "0" then "19" + mid({@DateAsText},2,2) else "20" + mid({@DateAsText},2,2)
"RealDate" (Order Date in YYYYMMDD):
Any ideas into a better or more robust way?
Field value of 1100607 = 20100607 and
Field value of 0991231 = 19991231
I've created the following Formula Fields which seem to do the trick however when I automate the Report I experience an error which states that the Month Value must be a value in the range of 1 to 12. I have checked the Source Data File and all values look to meet my expectations in relationship to CYYMMDD format.
"DateAsText" (Order Creation Date):
if {ORDERHDR.DTCO40}<=1000000 then "0"+ CStr ({ORDERHDR.DTCO40}) else CStr ({ORDERHDR.DTCO40})
"Year" (Order Date YYYY):
if left({@DateAsText},1) = "0" then "19" + mid({@DateAsText},2,2) else "20" + mid({@DateAsText},2,2)
"RealDate" (Order Date in YYYYMMDD):
Any ideas into a better or more robust way?