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Numbers ONLY Please!

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Oct 30, 2003
I have a string which should have only numbers (ie telephone number), I am currently stripping out and checking the length to determine if the number has an area code and returning it in the format needed. What I need to do is to look and if ANY are non numeric, send a null or 11111111111 or something =like that.

Sorry about all the TEMP variables, not written by me .. !!! (NOT that I would have done any better!!)

set temp [split [lindex $xlateInVals 0] "-"]
set temp2 [string length $temp]
set temp3 [lindex $temp 0]
set temp4 [lindex $temp 1]
set temp5 [lindex $temp 2]
set nulvar ""
if {$temp2 == 0} {
set temp6 "$nulvar"
set xlateOutVals $temp6
} else {
if {$temp2 >8} {
set temp6 "$temp4-$temp5"
set xlateOutVals $temp6
} else {
set temp6 "$temp3-$temp4"
set xlateOutVals $temp6
Obfuscated generic tcl solution.

proc createVars {lst sep args} {
set xlst [split $lst $sep]
      for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $xlst]} {incr i} {
           if {$i > [llength $args]} {break}
           set [lindex $args $i] [lindex $xlst $i] 
           puts &quot;[lindex $args $i] = [set [lindex $args $i]]&quot;
return [expr $i + 1]

proc subOut {str pat rep} {
  regsub -all $pat $str $rep str
  return $str

 proc createVarsAll {lst sep args} {
set xlst [split $lst $sep]
      for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $xlst]} {incr i} {
           if {$i > [llength $args]} {break}
           set [lindex $args $i] [lindex $xlst $i] 
           puts &quot; Before: [lindex $args $i] = [set [lindex $args $i]]&quot;
           set [lindex $args $i] [subOut [set [lindex $args $i]] &quot;\[^0-9\]&quot; &quot;&quot;]
          puts &quot;After: [lindex $args $i] = [set [lindex $args $i]]&quot;
          if {[string length [set [lindex $args $i]]]} {lappend retlist [set [lindex $args $i]]}
return $retlist

Then run it:
createVarsAll &quot;wicked wine 63488346 3467638 twelve&quot; &quot; &quot; one two three four
Before: one = wicked
After: one =
Before: two = wine
After: two =
Before: three = 63488346
After: three = 63488346
Before: four = 3467638
After: four = 3467638
Before: = twelve
After: =
63488346 3467638


I have this

$Three is my input which is &quot;Cell&quot;

regexp {([a-zA-Z]*)+$} $Three Check3

can I ? Do I set i [regexp {([a-zA-Z]*)+$} $Three Check3]

to check if one of the items in the input is in the list? .. shouldn't return a 1 if it is ? So if my input is &quot;222&quot; than it should return a O? Am I looking at this toally incorrect? Help ......... !!!

than I can simply check $i and see if it is a 0 or a 1 and do something from their
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