Convert from start date from Gregorian Time to Julian time.
Convert the end date from Gregorian Time to Julian time.
Get the difference between end and start (end - start)
Convert result to Gregorian Time again.
# KornShell implementation of Julian Day functions
# ToJul and FromJul functions based on C routines presented by
# David Burki, The C Users Journal, Vol. 11 , No 2, February, 1993,
# page 30.
# Burki's algorithm was an adaptation of the FORTRAN code used to
# implement the algorithm presented by H. Fliegl and T. Van Flanders,
# Communications of the ACM, Vol. 11, No. 10, October, 1968, page 657.
function ToJul #month day year
# ToJul prints the Julian Day value for the date passed
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