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Number keeps redialing receptionist

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Jun 27, 2005
Our receptionist has been recieving a call from something (automated?) and it won't stop. When you pick up the line, its just dead air. When you hang up, it calls right back. If you call the number that's displayed, you get an operator recording saying it's a wrong number and try again. Is there anyway I can troubleshoot this or look into stopping this? We have an Option 11c if that helps.
you can't do much about it, your main number is on someones autodialer and the transmited clid is bogus. if she stays on the line she may get a spill selling time shares etc. register your nuumbers on the national do not call list, doesn't always stop them but it helps

john poole
bellsouth business
One little unknown option people have is that if you can document the calls (I used a T-1 monitoring device on my circuits and stored the call records) and file a complaint with the security department of the phone company, they can investigate things calls and can sue the perpetrators. They will not tell you who it is, but they can contact the source and get it stopped. I did this so I know it can be done, I had BellSouth as my vendor. Your sales rep should be able to get you a number to contact for this department. You sometimes may have to file a police report so they vendor can have the correct ammunition to use.
very acurate post, with a warrent any call can be traced to the source. even the ones that send a bogus clid. bellsouth security and toll fraud do a great job at that. unlike in the movies, the caller only has to be on the line for 4 seconds

john poole
bellsouth business
If you take that approach, or wish to, make sure you get ALL the requirements for that. Qwest is VERY particular on this type of request, and you not only are required to document the frequency (at least 3 calls per week), but they also have to be violent and/or threatening in nature. If the calls are just hang-ups, that does not meet the second criteria. I went rounds and rounds on this a few years ago, and Qwest basically told be they would do nothing until threats were made.

That may not be the case everywhere, but that was my experience.

Hope this helps,

Scott M.
how about if you transferred the call to some high up at quest everytime time it happened if you have a problem with them helping.
Call your Qwest sales rep and tell him your going to AT&T.
the at&t word is a 4 letter word to your quest rep. if you get the local (or feds) cop shop involved, quest will drop the "no help on hangup clause".. harasement is not always a bomb threat, but a lot of providers see any request as something they would rather ignore

john poole
bellsouth business
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