using v11, I am running into issues with blank column values when using an excel sheet as a data source. Neither isnull(field) nor field = "" allows me to account for black cells. Is there a different command I am missing.
Here is an example:
if {answers.coartist?} = "Yes" and {contacts.partnerlastname} = "" or
isnull(contacts.partnerslastname} then {answers.firstname} + " " + {answers.lastname};
When the report is run, if there is no value in the cell for the corresponding {contacts.partnerlastname}, no value is returned. Please advise.
Here is an example:
if {answers.coartist?} = "Yes" and {contacts.partnerlastname} = "" or
isnull(contacts.partnerslastname} then {answers.firstname} + " " + {answers.lastname};
When the report is run, if there is no value in the cell for the corresponding {contacts.partnerlastname}, no value is returned. Please advise.