I have a recordset that I am trying to edit all the fields except the date get updated
The Date/ Time fields in set to not required, with no default value
When saving I get a data type conversion error
I have tried using nz on the recordset value but it still throws the same error. It does successfully update the other rs!Fields
rs!Date = Forms_formname.txtbox
it stops at date. the debug states Date as null and the txtbox = ""
I load the txtbox in the reverse fashion
On click
load rs!fields into txtbox'es
txtbox = rs!Date
This has worked for me a million times however the I have always insisted that the date is compulisory however in this circumstance it is not compulisory
My cat's name is sprinkles
-Ralph Wigam
The Date/ Time fields in set to not required, with no default value
When saving I get a data type conversion error
I have tried using nz on the recordset value but it still throws the same error. It does successfully update the other rs!Fields
rs!Date = Forms_formname.txtbox
it stops at date. the debug states Date as null and the txtbox = ""
I load the txtbox in the reverse fashion
On click
load rs!fields into txtbox'es
txtbox = rs!Date
This has worked for me a million times however the I have always insisted that the date is compulisory however in this circumstance it is not compulisory
My cat's name is sprinkles
-Ralph Wigam