Newbie question...what is the correct way to search for a null (blank) ? I receive errors on the first line ...looking for the word then...
If Isnull {POSITION_DG.TRM_TO_MAT_RTE} then "0 - 1 Year"
Else If
If {POSITION_DG.TRM_TO_MAT_RTE}>15 Then "15+ Years"
Else If
{POSITION_DG.TRM_TO_MAT_RTE}>10 Then "10 - 15 Years"
Else If
{POSITION_DG.TRM_TO_MAT_RTE}>5 Then "5 - 10 Years"
Else If
{POSITION_DG.TRM_TO_MAT_RTE}>3 Then "3 - 5 Years"
Else If
{POSITION_DG.TRM_TO_MAT_RTE}>1 Then "1 - 3 Years"
Else If
{POSITION_DG.TRM_TO_MAT_RTE}>0 Then "0 - 1 Year"
" "
If Isnull {POSITION_DG.TRM_TO_MAT_RTE} then "0 - 1 Year"
Else If
If {POSITION_DG.TRM_TO_MAT_RTE}>15 Then "15+ Years"
Else If
{POSITION_DG.TRM_TO_MAT_RTE}>10 Then "10 - 15 Years"
Else If
{POSITION_DG.TRM_TO_MAT_RTE}>5 Then "5 - 10 Years"
Else If
{POSITION_DG.TRM_TO_MAT_RTE}>3 Then "3 - 5 Years"
Else If
{POSITION_DG.TRM_TO_MAT_RTE}>1 Then "1 - 3 Years"
Else If
{POSITION_DG.TRM_TO_MAT_RTE}>0 Then "0 - 1 Year"
" "