Using Crystal Reports 8.5 and Oracle tables:
I need to separate Assignments closed with No Analysis done (no work). If there was work done on the assignment, there is an analyst's login in the Analyst Assigned field. If there was no analysis (no work) NOANAL is supposed to be entered, but often the Analyst Assigned field is left blank. With the following formula I pick up the NOANAL but not the blanks.....
shared NumberVar NoAnalysis;
if (Date({ALL_ASSIGNMENTS.Date Completed}) = {@DDATE}) and ((trim({ALL_ASSIGNMENTS.Analyst Assigned}) = "NOANAL") or
(isnull({ALL_ASSIGNMENTS.Analyst Assigned})))
then NoAnalysis := NoAnalysis + 1;
"Convert NULL Field Value to Default" is not checked for this report (it screws up other things with it is and does not help).
I need to separate Assignments closed with No Analysis done (no work). If there was work done on the assignment, there is an analyst's login in the Analyst Assigned field. If there was no analysis (no work) NOANAL is supposed to be entered, but often the Analyst Assigned field is left blank. With the following formula I pick up the NOANAL but not the blanks.....
shared NumberVar NoAnalysis;
if (Date({ALL_ASSIGNMENTS.Date Completed}) = {@DDATE}) and ((trim({ALL_ASSIGNMENTS.Analyst Assigned}) = "NOANAL") or
(isnull({ALL_ASSIGNMENTS.Analyst Assigned})))
then NoAnalysis := NoAnalysis + 1;
"Convert NULL Field Value to Default" is not checked for this report (it screws up other things with it is and does not help).