The IsNull isn't working either. I am using this fomula in the conditional section for backround color.
If IsNull({LABOR_TICKET.ACT_CLOCK_IN}) then Color(100, 250, 200) else Color(125, 225, 175)
The Labor_Ticket Table has Clock_In, Actual_Clock_In, Clock_Out and Actual_Clock_Out. I want the backround color to change on those records where Actual_Clock_In or Actual_Clock_Out is null.
File->Report options->Convert Null Field Values to Default.
If this is selected, you can't test for null, if you're certain that the database has nulls (they may be using a default date), uncheck this and you'll be fine.
Another thing to consider is to check to see if the date = date(0,0,0)
I have the Convert Null Field Values to Default checked. I don't know why but I have alway assumed this convered null Number Fields to 0 where applicable. I never realized this could affect other datatype fields. What "default" could this be converting a DateTime field to?
I can't test Date = Date(0,0,0) for this field becuase it is the wrong DataType. I use Date = (0,0,0) in other reports which have the same settings so I'm pretty sure it would work in this one. This brings me back to my original question; What is the equivilant DateTime function for Date(0,0,0)?
The following returns true if the original datetime was null:
not ({table.datetimefield} = datetime(datepart("yyyy",{table.datetimefield}),datepart("m",{table.datetimefield}),datepart("d",{table.datetimefield}),datepart("h",{table.datetimefield}),datepart("n",{table.datetimefield}),datepart("s",{table.datetimefield})))
My database doesn't ever record time, but whenever a date is set, it seems to come out as midnight regardless. Madawc Williams
East Anglia
Great Britain
Yes this works! I'm only looking at the Act_Clock_In. The formula returns "True" where the field is not populated and "False" where it is.
So why doesn't the formula If IsNull({LABOR_TICKET.ACT_CLOCK_IN}) then Color(100, 250, 200) else Color(125, 225, 175) work?
The isnull doesn't work because you have the "convert nulls to default" checked. I am not certain why the DateTime(0,0,0,0,0,0) doesn't work because all of those little formulas above evaluate to 0 when there isn't an entry.. So apparently LABOR_TICKET.ACT_CLOCK_IN doesn't equal itself even though it isn't null? Not sure what is going on there.. but it works.
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