I ran across some code someone had done a while ago on my website and it has the following syntax:
sSQL = sSQL & NTZ(Session("LocationID")
I haven't been able to look it up anywhere, and I haven't found where it has been declared a variable or a function anywhere.
it is used in the following context:
ElseIf Session("EditMode" = "New" Then
sSQL = "insert into employee (LocationID, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, "
sSQL = sSQL & "Designation, Email, Priority) values ("
sSQL = sSQL & NTZ(Session("LocationID")
sSQL = sSQL & ",'" & sFirstName & "' "
How much more water would there be in the ocean if it weren't for sponges?
sSQL = sSQL & NTZ(Session("LocationID")
I haven't been able to look it up anywhere, and I haven't found where it has been declared a variable or a function anywhere.
it is used in the following context:
ElseIf Session("EditMode" = "New" Then
sSQL = "insert into employee (LocationID, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, "
sSQL = sSQL & "Designation, Email, Priority) values ("
sSQL = sSQL & NTZ(Session("LocationID")
sSQL = sSQL & ",'" & sFirstName & "' "
How much more water would there be in the ocean if it weren't for sponges?