hello, i am trying to configure Network time protocol on a solaris ver. 8 machine. the steps which i had taken was initally to make a softlink from the serial port to the GPS receiver . eg: ln -s /dev/ttya /dev/hpgps1.
then had configured /etc/inet/ntp.conf where the following was lines were edited : server prefer and
server (local time). then i ran the xntpd deamon. then i type ntpq -p: only the local time is running. the gps unit isnt working. i had checked the serial port and its working fine. the "when" and "poll" for the gps unit isnt running. its stationary at "t=0". can someone help me fix this problem or give me an alternative web site where i can download a basic ntp SW and run it on Solaris 8. thanks and hope to hear from soneone soon. regard, DInesh
then had configured /etc/inet/ntp.conf where the following was lines were edited : server prefer and
server (local time). then i ran the xntpd deamon. then i type ntpq -p: only the local time is running. the gps unit isnt working. i had checked the serial port and its working fine. the "when" and "poll" for the gps unit isnt running. its stationary at "t=0". can someone help me fix this problem or give me an alternative web site where i can download a basic ntp SW and run it on Solaris 8. thanks and hope to hear from soneone soon. regard, DInesh