ntdsapi.dll was not found
Restart the computer and quickly hit whatever key gets you into the BIOS setup. (Using hitting the Delete key). You should find a setting for Boot Order. Reconfigure this so that the CD-Rom device is first.
1. Insert Windows XP Cd. Start the Recovery Console.
2. After you had chosen the right partition and log in as admin with correct password.
enter this command
expand E:\i386\ntdsapi.dl_ C:\Windows\System32>
a confirmation will appear if the file was successfuly written.
E: can be D: or F: is where your CD/DVD rom is...depending on how many partitions you have.
Now key in the "exit" command
Now restart the computer. Set your BIOS boot order back to hard drive first.
Hope this help.
Restart the computer and quickly hit whatever key gets you into the BIOS setup. (Using hitting the Delete key). You should find a setting for Boot Order. Reconfigure this so that the CD-Rom device is first.
1. Insert Windows XP Cd. Start the Recovery Console.
2. After you had chosen the right partition and log in as admin with correct password.
enter this command
expand E:\i386\ntdsapi.dl_ C:\Windows\System32>
a confirmation will appear if the file was successfuly written.
E: can be D: or F: is where your CD/DVD rom is...depending on how many partitions you have.
Now key in the "exit" command
Now restart the computer. Set your BIOS boot order back to hard drive first.
Hope this help.