Hi Guros,
I have a problem with one of my servers' backup script. The server is running Windows 2000 SP1. When the scheduled backup job starts at night it fails giving this error message:
The backup script is this:
I just added this line:
start /wait rsm.exe refresh /lf"Dell (tm) PowerVault (tm) 110T DLT VS80"
to the script as recommended by a link that i found on the net:
The backup finished successfully for two days and then back to the problem above!
Then i have to run the backup interactively using the ntbackup utility of the Windows (doing a dumy backup) and then i be able to run the above script with no problem and it finishes successfully!
I'm really confused and don't know what to do! My senior is saying that this is because the operators had changed the tapes (bringing another machine tapes which has that machine data) and puting it in this machine!
My senior is saying that this problem might be cleared off once we finish the tapes for the whole month but i don't see this as an exceptable solution! this shouldn't happen even if the above case occurs!
Any thoughts?
I have a problem with one of my servers' backup script. The server is running Windows 2000 SP1. When the scheduled backup job starts at night it fails giving this error message:
The operation was not performed because no unused media was available.
The backup script is this:
echo Tape Backup >c:\backup.log
echo Backup Start time: >>c:\backup.log
date /t>>c:\backup.log
time /t>>c:\backup.log
for /f "Tokens=1-4 Delims=/ " %%i in ('date /t') do set dt=%%i-%%j-%%k-%%l
for /f "Tokens=1" %%i in ('time /t') do set tm=-%%i
set tm=%tm::=-%
set dtt=%dt%%tm%
SET SUBJ=" Backup Status Unknown"
start /wait rsm.exe refresh /lf"Dell (tm) PowerVault (tm) 110T DLT VS80"
C:\WINNT\system32\NTBACKUP.EXE backup "@C:\Daily.bks" /d "DAILY %dtt%" /v:no /r:yes /rs:no /hc:on /m normal /j "%dtt%" /l:s /p "DLT" /UM
if %errorlevel% EQU 0 goto :succ
goto fail
SET SUBJ="Backup Successfull"
echo Backup Job Successfully Completed >>c:\backup.log
goto cont
SET SUBJ="Backup Fail"
echo Backup Job Failed >>c:\backup.log
echo Backup Finish time: >>c:\backup.log
date /t>>c:\backup.log
time /t>>c:\backup.log
echo ************************************* >>c:\backup.log
echo ****Please Ignore This Log File****** >>c:\backup.log
echo ************************************* >>c:\backup.log
Rem Set folder name containing backup log files
set fld=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\data\
Rem This dir command will list all log files sorted by date in bare format
set fcmd=dir "%fld%*.log" /OD /A-D /B
Rem set command will set lastf variable to the last file in set, i.e. the latest one
for /F "tokens=* delims= " %%i in ('%fcmd%') do set lastf=%fld%%%i
Rem Mail latest log file to Group
blat "%lastf%" -t operator@mycompany.com -c khalid@mycompany.com -mime -s %SUBJ% -f BackupManager@mycompany.com -attach "c:\backup.log"
I just added this line:
start /wait rsm.exe refresh /lf"Dell (tm) PowerVault (tm) 110T DLT VS80"
to the script as recommended by a link that i found on the net:
The backup finished successfully for two days and then back to the problem above!
Then i have to run the backup interactively using the ntbackup utility of the Windows (doing a dumy backup) and then i be able to run the above script with no problem and it finishes successfully!
I'm really confused and don't know what to do! My senior is saying that this is because the operators had changed the tapes (bringing another machine tapes which has that machine data) and puting it in this machine!
My senior is saying that this problem might be cleared off once we finish the tapes for the whole month but i don't see this as an exceptable solution! this shouldn't happen even if the above case occurs!
Any thoughts?