A long time ago (at least it feels that way) I took the MCSE NT4. For some time now I'have been considering upgrading to win2K, but as I planning this I see there is the Windows 2003 MCSE available. So I'm looking for advice on which track to take.
Is there a significant difference between these 2 OS's, one persong I talked to thought 2003 was the same as .Net?
The reason is I already have some self study courses for win2k, but as I've not actually started yet which am I best taking.
Any self study recommendations?
Is there a significant difference between these 2 OS's, one persong I talked to thought 2003 was the same as .Net?
The reason is I already have some self study courses for win2k, but as I've not actually started yet which am I best taking.
Any self study recommendations?