Tried this a few days ago, but got no replies....
We are a mixing Mac and PC environment being an Art Institute. I have an NT4 BDC set up with the dreaded Services for Macintosh on a 100mbps network. Eveything runs swimmingly until a mac tries to copy anything fairly weighty from or to the server and then it bluescreens, curls up and dies.
Is this a secret conspiracy by the big MS to discourage the use of anything (Steve)Jobs related?! or is it something more mundane? Any ideas?
Matt ffolliott-Powell
King of the wild frontier
Tried this a few days ago, but got no replies....
We are a mixing Mac and PC environment being an Art Institute. I have an NT4 BDC set up with the dreaded Services for Macintosh on a 100mbps network. Eveything runs swimmingly until a mac tries to copy anything fairly weighty from or to the server and then it bluescreens, curls up and dies.
Is this a secret conspiracy by the big MS to discourage the use of anything (Steve)Jobs related?! or is it something more mundane? Any ideas?
Matt ffolliott-Powell
King of the wild frontier