You can use nsrjb to display information about the tapes and slots in your library, load and mount tape volumes, label tapes, deposit and withdraw tapes
Switch Function
-C Display information on volumes in library
-L Label Volumes
-l Load and mount volumes
-u Unload volumes
-I Inventory Jukebox slots
-p Verify a volumes label
-o Set the mode of a volume or range of slots
-H Reset Jukebox hardware
-h Display history of jukebox commands
-U Set cleaning tape number of uses
-V Display Jukebox vendor information
-d Deposit a tape from the CAP to a slot
-w Withdraw a tape from a slot(s) to the CAP
-a Add volumes
-x Remove volumes from an STL
-F Release a share device of an STL
see if you can view info about volumes in our DLT tape library (nsjrb -Cv ), also check if you can load and unload a tape.
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