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NRS Primary/Alternate Question

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Oct 15, 2003
We had a second IP cabinet with CS and SS/NRS setup at a second site. Our vendor half-way setup GR with no database/etc., and the NRS had no settings. I'm currently in the process of getting the NRS setup.

So far I have...
Basic NRS settings, service domain, L0/1 domains, gateway endpoints for the primary and alternate NRS, and endpoint routes.

Here are my questions...

1) On the alternate and primary NRS gateway endpoints do I need to check NCS on both servers for both entries?

2)Under routing entries to work with the 62XX range DNs do I just put 62?

My Main problems that I can see...

1) under gateway endpoints on both servers the other server does not register. Example: on the alternate server the primary server shows as not registered, but the alternate and primary servers are registered to themselves. Also, on the primary server I have 2 BCMs successfully registered as well.

2) The "alternate" server is showing as primary role server. I've read so much on everything that I thought I read something about when installing NRS it has to be installed as a primary or alternate at the time of installation? Is this the case?

If not what do I need to do to switch this to an actual alternate role server and what IP addresses should I change to what.

This is what I show for nrsDBShow...
Local NRS IP Address:     
Local NRS Role:                     Primary NRS
Primary NRS Node PRI_172_16_6_131: ACTIVE
Alternate NRS not configured
AlternatePermanentInService:           OFF

ANY help on this would be greatly appreciated. Trying to get this site working properly; I've gotten far and I'm almost there.

Also, any good NTPs or posts on correctly setting up HLOC would be greatly appreciated as well :)

Forgot an important piece of info... I'm running rls 5.5
The way I did mine is with both gateway endpoints(Prim SS and Alt SS) check the NCS. For the HLOC I picked an unused DN out of my list and plugged it in with LD90 under NET_DATA using AC1 with a dmi entry that doesn't add or delete anything. This number will need to be added as an NRS UDP entry in the primary endpoint set to least cost entry of 1. The same entry in the Secondary endpoint with the least cost entry of 2. Make your dialing plan entries under the cdp part of the gateway endpoint.

Just wondering how you defined your node ID's....are they 1111 and 1112 or both the same number or what. Do you just have two sights or multiple geo redundant CS's and SS's locations. If you read the NTP on Geo Rdun fundamentals it shows the two different configs for the NRS entries. I did mine in the simple mode so to speak and it works good. Do you have the data base replication working smoothly?
I guess I got carried away talking about my set up...:) sorry, "1) On the alternate and primary NRS gateway endpoints do I need to check NCS on both servers for both entries?" Yes you do need them both checked this is how the SS's compair notes.

2)Under routing entries to work with the 62XX range DNs do I just put 62? Yes 62 will work and should be a cdp entry.

on the server registration: "1) under gateway endpoints on both servers the other server does not register. Example: on the alternate server the primary server shows as not registered, but the alternate and primary servers are registered to themselves. Also, on the primary server I have 2 BCMs successfully registered as well."

on the NRS configuation tab under Active View you should show an IP address for that endpoint if it has registered you'll also have an NCS indication if it is check in that endpoint.

"2) The "alternate" server is showing as primary role server. I've read so much on everything that I thought I read something about when installing NRS it has to be installed as a primary or alternate at the time of installation? Is this the case?"

When you are on your primary CS and go in to LD 117 and do a stat ss or stat serv what does it tell you?

Yes you define your server roles ie primary and alternate on the installation setup.
Give me your opinion, but I think this is my biggest problem. The alternate server is definitely set as a primary role according to the nrsDBShow command. Also, after doing the stat ss/serv on the PCS it does not list the alternate SS at all.

The two SS I do see are our main SS and then another SS for Verizon SIP trunking that we are moving to. The interesting thing is when I do a stat ss/serv on the SCS. The SCS is listing the same node ID (1002) as the SS for the Verizon SIP, BUT the alternate SS does not list this node. It only lists the 1001 node of the primary SS.

It really seems like the alternate SS/NRS needs to be reinstalled under the alternate role.

Any ideas?
Also, thanks for all of the information, it really was helpful to hear about your setup as well.
The PCS is only going to show a SS that is registered to it. So in EM of the Primary SS under the Embedded Lan primary call server IP: Should have the Elan of the PCS there. Check that out.
The same goes for the Alt SS, it should be pointed to the SCS elan ip and if you go in to the SCS you should see the alternate SS tlan ip with a Stat SS/serv. All these definitions should have been set from the install of each SS and imported in to EM when the Nodes were created in each.

So if you are in the PCS and do a stat serv are you saying you see Node 1001 and the tlan of the primary SS and Node 1002 and the tlan of the Dedicated Sip server? In EM of the Primary SS are you showing two SS's, one listed as leader and the other follower? Can you post some screen shots of the Primary CS and EM for the Primary SS.

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