I have installed a new NPX 3.0 (16) system, and after installation changed the nice user for a domain user in order to reach a NAS unit where Storage will archive the recordings.
That sounds good, the surprise is that customer wants that archiving be done to the local Disk units too.
in the NPX online help says something like "multiple paths are allowed if you archiving policy supports it"
where can I change / view the archiving policy? never heard about that.
would NPX archive automatically to
all of three or n paths?
Thanks for your advice
=== remember that NICE is not so nice ===
That sounds good, the surprise is that customer wants that archiving be done to the local Disk units too.
in the NPX online help says something like "multiple paths are allowed if you archiving policy supports it"
where can I change / view the archiving policy? never heard about that.
would NPX archive automatically to
all of three or n paths?
Thanks for your advice
=== remember that NICE is not so nice ===