We are using Nupoint as our voicemail system and use Advanced UM. We have had a problem for a few years but just finally was able to find a user to reproduce the problem.
Someone calls User A and leaves a message. The message goes into User A's Exchange inbox. Since we use advanced UM if user A reads the message the message waiting light goes off. If he deletes the message the message is deleted from NuPoint. All is well and good.
If UserA fowards the message to user B using Outlook the message will sit up to 5 min in User B's inbox and then POOF.. go to User B's Deleted Items in Outlook. This ONLY happens for certain users who are forwarding the message (i.e. anyone user A forwards to will have the item delete). Also, this ONLY happens to users who have their Outlook in french (we are in Quebec). Not all users with French Outlook have this issue.
Sooooo... it happened to me today with a user who was willing to keep testing with me. I enabled audit logging on my mailbox and found that the message is being deleted by NPUMAdmin. But he should not be deleting it because it isnt a VM in my mailbox .. it is an email that was forwarded to me via outlook.
We are using Nupoint as our voicemail system and use Advanced UM. We have had a problem for a few years but just finally was able to find a user to reproduce the problem.
Someone calls User A and leaves a message. The message goes into User A's Exchange inbox. Since we use advanced UM if user A reads the message the message waiting light goes off. If he deletes the message the message is deleted from NuPoint. All is well and good.
If UserA fowards the message to user B using Outlook the message will sit up to 5 min in User B's inbox and then POOF.. go to User B's Deleted Items in Outlook. This ONLY happens for certain users who are forwarding the message (i.e. anyone user A forwards to will have the item delete). Also, this ONLY happens to users who have their Outlook in french (we are in Quebec). Not all users with French Outlook have this issue.
Sooooo... it happened to me today with a user who was willing to keep testing with me. I enabled audit logging on my mailbox and found that the message is being deleted by NPUMAdmin. But he should not be deleting it because it isnt a VM in my mailbox .. it is an email that was forwarded to me via outlook.