recently my netware server 5.1 is having time problem its lagging day by day , i changed cmos battary twice , but no use , supplier told that they will provide the same (new) motherboard , i tried to change the mother baord , but after changing it one my volume is not detecting sime times and is asking for vrepair automatically when mounting that volume .. i think that this error of new mother board i replaced the old one . but the problem is still occouring ....then i copied the entire data into new volume . and detached the old volume , still i am getting the same error ..
while auto mounting of that volume it saying following scanario..
** verifying directory fat chain
** validating the extended directory
** scaning the directory
invalid deleted file block
auto loading module vrepair.nlm
netware volume repair utility
version 4.33 october 22 , 1999
copy right 1989-1998 novell inc . all rights reserved .
mounting data 1
** reading in fat
** validating the extended directory
like the messages are dispalying
here data 1 is the volume name
while auto mounting of that volume it saying following scanario..
** verifying directory fat chain
** validating the extended directory
** scaning the directory
invalid deleted file block
auto loading module vrepair.nlm
netware volume repair utility
version 4.33 october 22 , 1999
copy right 1989-1998 novell inc . all rights reserved .
mounting data 1
** reading in fat
** validating the extended directory
like the messages are dispalying
here data 1 is the volume name