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Novell Portal Services help

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Feb 10, 2003
Im installing Novell Portal services in a test environment to try and get a handle on it before implementing it in my tree and I am having some serious problems. After what looked like a successfull install, it insructs you to go to the web server with a /nps extension to make sure everything is working and all I get is a page not found error. My boss, the network admin is on vacation, so I gotta grunt through some of this and any help would be appreciated, so pardon the newbie questions. Here are a few questions that would help get me started:
Environment: Netware 6 basic install.

- How do you find out which version of JVM you are currently running? The required version is 1.22, but I dont even know how to find out what is being used now. I assume that we are ok since the install looked like it went ok though. After reading, it sounded as if the install would not work if this requirement was not met to begin with. I dont even know where to look to find out which

- When installing the 2 test servers, I chose "select all" on the section where it asked which things to install on the server. Since there were multiple web servers installed, is there a specific syntax of getting to the "/nps" extension that I am missing? Example: addres>:??/nps or something similar with regards to the port addresses of Apache vs. Enterprise Web server? When I type in address>:51080/nps/portal I get an index listing, but thats it. (51080 being the Apache port #)

If you need any other info, lemme know. Im basically just about clueless here, so any leads or whatever would be appreciated.
OK.. finally remembered the console command to check versions. "m Jav*" We have 1.31 running, so that should be good. Still not able to get the /nps switch to show anything but a page not found error.

This is probably the last type of reply you want to see but I'm having exactly the same problem. I've tried it on two different test servers with the same results. The closest thing to an attempt at an answer on Novell's site is a note about copying some .jar files from the NPS folder created on the server after the install and ammending a line in the tomcat.ncf file. This appears to apply to Netware 5.1 though although the resulting problem is the same.

If your boss comes up with anything PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE post the solution!!!!
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