Anyone with Novell DHCP experience? 3300 MXe 4.0 SP3 add option 125 to DNS/DHCP definition is Novell has no effect. Tried adding options 66, 128, 130 still no joy. Any help greatly appreciated.
Hi, I've got some experience with NW6.5, but am very weak in the 3300. Firstly I am assuming you want the controller to get an IP from the Netware dhcpd server?
If so, and i'm assuming, you are using IP sets?
If so, are you going to have the also issue out dhcp ip's to the sets?
One side of me says bypass the netware server all together and just create a dhcp pool in the 3300 and use the netware server for dns/gateway purposes.
But I could be totally off the mark here so let me know more details if you want I've got a netware can that i can hack for you if need be.
Ny, outta curiosity, were the sets rejecting dhcp offers? My guess the NW server (does it offer dhcp to the computers?) was hitting the fones first.
Depending on their network (whether they have the phones first and then the computer, or the computer and phones separate), in that situation I would get another switch (or vlan) pop in another nic and allow the NW server to handle dns and act as a bridge between the 2 subnets, but not allow it hand out dchp leases.
actually we could never get the Novell to offer voip sets an address at all. Tried inputing Mitel specific options and they were ignored. Very odd system. The customer is going to be replacing the exisiting network when they move to new fascilities in about 6 months. Hopefully they will be purchasing something Barney Rubble hasn't worked on.
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