I'm in the middle of upgrading PPES from 7.1 to 7.3 and am having a problem with batch scripts to change the modified date on the cubes.
The scripts ran fine for 7.1 (MR2) - it calls a txt file which contains the enable and the notify=update commands. I'm using a different server, so the batch script changes for the cer3 to cer4 to get to the ppadm tool and the server name changes in the txt file.
The script is working for enabling, yet not for update.
Has the command changed or am I missing something?
All my cubes have been added in PPES within a folder.
Here is a typical txt file called by the batch file:
soi la, soi carré
The scripts ran fine for 7.1 (MR2) - it calls a txt file which contains the enable and the notify=update commands. I'm using a different server, so the batch script changes for the cer3 to cer4 to get to the ppadm tool and the server name changes in the txt file.
The script is working for enabling, yet not for update.
Has the command changed or am I missing something?
All my cubes have been added in PPES within a folder.
Here is a typical txt file called by the batch file:
connect cogserver01:8010 user Administrator password password
cd "Cube Folder"
enable "company sales"
NOTIFY CUBE_OBJECT "/Cube Folder/company sales" EVENT=UPDATE
soi la, soi carré