I am running outlook2002 trying to get SQL server 2000 SP2 to notify me for a backup (I have this all set up) My notification mail sits in my outbox till i hit send receive. Anyone know how to resolve this?
Is Outlook configured for Exchange, Internet mail or another mail service. Knowledgebase article Q263556 states, "Any non-Exchange messages sent with Outlook 2002 require the Outlook client to be actively running on the server."
Is the mail stuck in the Outbox or Inbox? Accoording to aticles I have read, Outlook holds messages in the Inbox until sent.
I read through something that said Outlook 2002 did not have a runable service (if I understood what I read correctly). Outlook 2002 has to be running all the time for it to work. So i have it up and scheduled it to auto send/receive every 2 mins. I all so have it set up to send me a net msg. I think this will work for now.
I'll read the articles you mentioned. thanks for the reply.
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