If the message you are getting is out of disk space then this is a different problem to out of inodes.
"disk space" relates to just that space available on the filesystem.
"inodes relates" to the number of files on the filesystem and is set by a tuneable.
For space check the "df" command to see which filesystem is full.
If it's the root "/" filesystem you may have errors in the log files which will need to be checked (may show your real problem)and cleared down.
SCO doesn't have a "5.1" release that I'm aware of, but that's probably not important. The 1/42 designation would indicate a full disk on the root (main) filesystem. As VodkaDrinker stated, this can be caused by a log file which has consumed a great deal of space. It can also be caused by any number of issues, such as using an incorrect device name for a backup destination.
If you can gain access to the system, I would start by clearing (DO NOT REMOVE) some log files you don't care about (such as /usr/spool/lp/logs/requests), then start looking around for very large files.
You can look for large files with a find command:
# find / -type f -size +400000 -print
That will display files larger than 200MB. Adjust to your needs.
"Proof that there is intelligent life in Oregon. Well, Life anyway.
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