I'm an Access developer, new to Notes. I have a requirement to add CCs (carbon copies) to an existing application written in VB Script:
Dim oDoc
Set oDoc = oDB.CreateDocument
oDoc.Subject = "The subject"
oDoc.SendTo = "John Smith"
oDoc.Body = "the body ..."
oDoc.From = "Sue Johnes"
oDoc.Send False
How do I add 3 people to receive CCs of this email? What would be the property name and how would I send it 3 recipient names? (I don't have any docs and the notes32.tlb doesn't even show a Subject, SendTo, Body or From properties.)
Dim oDoc
Set oDoc = oDB.CreateDocument
oDoc.Subject = "The subject"
oDoc.SendTo = "John Smith"
oDoc.Body = "the body ..."
oDoc.From = "Sue Johnes"
oDoc.Send False
How do I add 3 people to receive CCs of this email? What would be the property name and how would I send it 3 recipient names? (I don't have any docs and the notes32.tlb doesn't even show a Subject, SendTo, Body or From properties.)