I have a combo box which contains serial numbers. the problem is that the amount of data in it now exceeds the 64k field limit size. can anyone suggest a better way to select the serial numbers (Keywords) when the size of the list is greater than 64k.
There's probably a more efficient answer, but you could use a preliminary field to filter your list.
For instance if your Serial numbers begin with an alpha character, have the keywords filter by a choice made by the user. if the SN is egh36x98. The user first enters an "E" to filter the list for all those SN's that begin with "E".
You could also use a range of numbers or a manufacturer.
i am already using a manufacturer to filter the sn's. all the serial no start with the first letter of the manufacturers name so sorting them with letter doesent help.
I didn't mean sort the list. I meant Filter it so that when they enter the manufacturer, your SN list is only created with appropriate SN's. You leave out, for instance all the Dell SNs when they enter HP for manufacturer. Pull into the keyword list only those SNs that are applicable.
If that is already what you are doing and still over 64K, I'd look for another possible filter.
Thats what i am doing. i have a manufacture combobox so when a manufacture is selected i have a dblookup against it to select the sn. the problem is one of the manufacturers has two many serial numbers for the combo box so i get the field 64k error.
Is there another combobox you can filter against for that manufacturer? DBCommand will allow you to combine filters to narrow your search versus the dblookup you said you are using which only allows "or".
Their is not another field i can use to filter the serial numbers. what i was thinking of trying is their is an option to use a view dialog for chioces. but when i select this nothing appears in the combo nor do i get a dialog box up. i can not find anything in notes help on this method, i am not even sure if this will solve my problem. it seems what i need to do is find a different method to select the serial numbers other than usig a combobox.
it was not working for me. but i looked more into it and it looks like it will not work in a layout region. now that i have seen them i will look inyo trying to use it but i dont think it will help me. the fact that you cant have them in a layout region is another problem. you cant create a find button to use in the view dialog and i cant use my find button in the layout region. i shall carry on searching for a way. thanks for you help.
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