Nigel Gomm
is anyone else seeing their vfp 9 applications (i.e. a built .exe) going non-responsive?
no error messages... just freezes and you have to let windows close the application.
a few customers have had this happen a few times and i was expecting it to be AV or some such but just had it happen on my PC.
coverage shows nothing interesting (or consistent).... my code isn't doing anything.
recent coverage files show the most recent instruction to be a textbox .when() returning and another shows a form .refresh() finishing.
Windows 10 in all cases. don;t have build numbers for all. windows 10 pro version 1809 build 17763.316 in my case. Windows Defender only (but don't tell anybody).
there are timers and activeX in the app but the most recent crash (on my PC) was at startup during a login prompt and before anything 'exotic' gets launched.