I'm using Crystal 11 against an Advantage Database, I have a report where a select criteria is excluding 3 items using "Starts With". This works fine for the intended items, but it is alo excluding data where that particular field is blank. Any ideas on how I can fix that?
Select code:
{EQAnswer.FieldNum} in [2, 30, 31, 32] and
{Entities.ClosedFlag} = 0 and
{Entities.DateOpen} in [{?Date Range}] and
{Client.EntityID} = {?Client Number} and
{EQAnswer.EntityRole} = "COLLATERAL&LOAN" and
{Entities.EntityRole} = "PRE_FC_LOSS_MIT" and
not ({Entities.TheStatus} startswith ["bFC_C", "dFC_C", "FC_C"])
Thanks in advance!
I'm using Crystal 11 against an Advantage Database, I have a report where a select criteria is excluding 3 items using "Starts With". This works fine for the intended items, but it is alo excluding data where that particular field is blank. Any ideas on how I can fix that?
Select code:
{EQAnswer.FieldNum} in [2, 30, 31, 32] and
{Entities.ClosedFlag} = 0 and
{Entities.DateOpen} in [{?Date Range}] and
{Client.EntityID} = {?Client Number} and
{EQAnswer.EntityRole} = "COLLATERAL&LOAN" and
{Entities.EntityRole} = "PRE_FC_LOSS_MIT" and
not ({Entities.TheStatus} startswith ["bFC_C", "dFC_C", "FC_C"])
Thanks in advance!