I have the following problem. I state a few variables at the beginning of the page, yet it does not seem to include them in the string. Why and help please!
Erm help anybody?
Thank you
I have the following problem. I state a few variables at the beginning of the page, yet it does not seem to include them in the string. Why and help please!
Dim Agentnumber
Agentnumber ="1"
Dim Pageref
Pageref ="../index.asp"
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<html lang="en">
<title>Assisted Learning Technology</title>
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
Dim variable1, variable2, variable3, variable4, variable5, variable6, variable7, variable8, variablestring
variable1 = Request.QueryString("tfont")
variable2 = Request.QueryString("tSize")
variable3 = Request.QueryString("bBack")
variable4 = Request.QueryString("bFont")
variable5 = Request.QueryString("bSize")
variable6 = Request.QueryString("Link")
variable7 = Request.QueryString("Agent")
variable8 = Pagref
variablestring = "?tFont=" & variable1 &"&Size=" & variable2 & "&Back=" & variable3 & "&Font=" & variable4 & "&bSize=" & variable5 & "&Link=" & variable6& "&Agent=" & variable7 & "&Pageref=" & variable8
<div id="right2" class="bannertext" style="text-align: right;"><u>Further Information </u>
<div class="backgroundtext">
<li><a href="asp/Staff.asp<%=variablestring %>" Title="Click here to find out about Support Staff"</a></li>
<li><a href="ASP/contact.asp<%=variablestring %>" Title="Click here to find out contact details">Contact ALS</a></li>
Erm help anybody?
Thank you