I know, I know, I know...you can google this and get 10,000 hits.
However, all the suggestions are the same:
add the anonymous identity in the web.config file,
trusted_connection = yes,
make sure you have both windows & sql authentication setup on the SQL server
I have tried them.
For Me...
data source=SQLSERVER;initial catalog=CRM;integrated security=false;User iD=sa;Pwd=sapassword;persist security info=True;packet size=4096
data source=SQLSERVER;initial catalog=CRM;integrated security=SSPI;uid=MYDOMAIN\MyUser;pwd=UserPassword;Trusted_connection=yes;workstation id=MyPC;packet size=4096
(I have also removed pieces of this like the user info, or trusted part...nothing changes the fact that I keep getting the same message.)
I just want domain authenticated users to have read and write the the CRM database. I have right clicked on the CRM database (using Enterprise Manager) and added a domain user with tons of rights.
BTW, I am the enterprise, domain, and local admin. Everything is 2000 or XP: my workstation XP, my SQL, & my network servers are 2000. All the equipment is on my personal LAN.
Does anyone know of a good step-wise document for creating a database, a simple app that demonstrates the steps necessary to get a domain user authenticated in a C# .NET app to a SQL server?
(I know ... it is a lot to ask ... but it seems SO common.)
Thanks for any thoughts.
However, all the suggestions are the same:
add the anonymous identity in the web.config file,
trusted_connection = yes,
make sure you have both windows & sql authentication setup on the SQL server
I have tried them.
For Me...
data source=SQLSERVER;initial catalog=CRM;integrated security=false;User iD=sa;Pwd=sapassword;persist security info=True;packet size=4096
data source=SQLSERVER;initial catalog=CRM;integrated security=SSPI;uid=MYDOMAIN\MyUser;pwd=UserPassword;Trusted_connection=yes;workstation id=MyPC;packet size=4096
(I have also removed pieces of this like the user info, or trusted part...nothing changes the fact that I keep getting the same message.)
I just want domain authenticated users to have read and write the the CRM database. I have right clicked on the CRM database (using Enterprise Manager) and added a domain user with tons of rights.
BTW, I am the enterprise, domain, and local admin. Everything is 2000 or XP: my workstation XP, my SQL, & my network servers are 2000. All the equipment is on my personal LAN.
Does anyone know of a good step-wise document for creating a database, a simple app that demonstrates the steps necessary to get a domain user authenticated in a C# .NET app to a SQL server?
(I know ... it is a lot to ask ... but it seems SO common.)
Thanks for any thoughts.