I'm literally fighting with a query that retrievs (or should retrieve) all
the users of a rather huge domain in ActiveDirectory.
I have got an ASP page that performs an LDAP query with this SQL-like
strSQL = "Select displayName,givenName,SN,SamAccountname,distinguishedName
from 'LDAP://MYSERVER' Where objectCategory='person' AND objectClass='user'
AND name='*'"
Everything seems to work fine with the notable exeption that NOT all the
users are actually returned. I made several tests (for several hours...) and
I came to the conclusion that the query is correct but 'somewhere' a limit
on the maximum number of results in a query via ASP is set on the AD Server.
Is there anyone who knows if there is a solution to the problem, and could
tell me how to get rid of this limitation ?
Every help would be much appreciated, thank you.
I verified that when I add a real filter such as
AND name='ste*'
all the due users are returned. So it is just a problem of number of data
retrieved. I know there is a default limit of 10000 rows for the responses
of the Active Directory user interface queries. I've already tried to change
this value to 50000 with no effect to the query in ASP. And indeed the
number of users I should retrieve are by far less than 10000 anyway
(probably they are 2-3000).
I'm literally fighting with a query that retrievs (or should retrieve) all
the users of a rather huge domain in ActiveDirectory.
I have got an ASP page that performs an LDAP query with this SQL-like
strSQL = "Select displayName,givenName,SN,SamAccountname,distinguishedName
from 'LDAP://MYSERVER' Where objectCategory='person' AND objectClass='user'
AND name='*'"
Everything seems to work fine with the notable exeption that NOT all the
users are actually returned. I made several tests (for several hours...) and
I came to the conclusion that the query is correct but 'somewhere' a limit
on the maximum number of results in a query via ASP is set on the AD Server.
Is there anyone who knows if there is a solution to the problem, and could
tell me how to get rid of this limitation ?
Every help would be much appreciated, thank you.
I verified that when I add a real filter such as
AND name='ste*'
all the due users are returned. So it is just a problem of number of data
retrieved. I know there is a default limit of 10000 rows for the responses
of the Active Directory user interface queries. I've already tried to change
this value to 50000 with no effect to the query in ASP. And indeed the
number of users I should retrieve are by far less than 10000 anyway
(probably they are 2-3000).