Hello, this is not to report a problem, just something strange.<br>Maybe it's already known, maybe not.<br>Ok, I had to create a form to update 3 tables in one-to-many relationships like this: TABLE1 -->(one-to-many rel 1:N)--> TABLE2-->(one-to-many rel 1:N)--> TABLE3.<br>Each record of table1 may have many related records in table2, in turn each record in table2 may have many related records in table3. I use a pageframe with 2 pages, page 1 updates TABLE1, and page 2 is divided in 2: the top contains fields to update TABLE2 and the bottom <br>contains a grid for TABLE3 with the following properties: <br> recordsource="TABLE3", linkmaster="TABLE2", relationalexpr="keyfield", childorder="keyindex".<br>Ok so far so good. The problem was, the grid always showed all the records in TABLE3. My original solution was to do a SET KEY TO every time the user moved the record in the parent table TABLE2.<br>But now there are many tens of thousands of records in TABLE3 and even set key to is too slow every time the grid is refreshed.<br>So I looked hard and finally I found the solution, and it's really silly: just add in the grid.refresh() method a SELECT TABLE2 (the parent table of the table in the grid). Now the grid displays the correct records of TABLE3 which are related to the current record in TABLE2.<br>The thing is, you don't have to do this when it's a simple one-to-many rel form with 2 tables, but with 3, the grid will not be able to handle the 2 relationships.<br>