I have a trouble (red alarm) on some TMDI cards. Do I have to go to LD 93 and disable the D ch before I try to enable the cards? If so what program (LD) do I find what D ch is on what card?
Thanks for your time and the info Wanebo. Do you do the fdl in ld 48? I do have a mulit card red alarm. Loop 1 red on OOS, loop 2 red, loop 4 red, loop 6 red, all in the main cabinet. The customer says that they are not completely out of service. They have been putting this off for several months but want me to fix the trouble after the holiday. I can use a loop back plug to determine if the problem is PBX or phone co. I have a gut feeling that the phone co. has trouble. The customer reported trouble to the phone co. but from past troubles its like pulling teeth to get the phone co. to help.
LD 48
sta tmdi gives current status of tmdi cards
dis tmdi [card info] disables card (note loops and d channels must be disabled before card can be disabled
rst tmdi [card info] resets a tmdi card (can only be done on a disabled card)
slft tmdi [card info] selftest a tmdi card (can only be done on a disabled card)
eml tmdi [card info] fdl enables a tmdi card (fdl (force download firmware) is optional but highly recommended)
Once again thanks for your time and info Wanebo. It has been a while sense I have worked a trouble like this. I am starting to recall some of my technical skill with this system. Wish me luck.
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