We are trying to play a greeting to all callers into our BCM.
Unfortunately the Contact Centre greetings is not suitable as not all our calls come into skillsets.
I have looked at using auto-attendant but then it seems to grab the call and play the greeting and then takes the caller into a menu where they have to input the extension or whatever. We just want the caller to hear the greeting then go to their target user's phone transparently (i.e. without any menu or need to know the extension).
This would seem to be simple but is it actually possible on a BCM400?
Thanks for your help.
We are trying to play a greeting to all callers into our BCM.
Unfortunately the Contact Centre greetings is not suitable as not all our calls come into skillsets.
I have looked at using auto-attendant but then it seems to grab the call and play the greeting and then takes the caller into a menu where they have to input the extension or whatever. We just want the caller to hear the greeting then go to their target user's phone transparently (i.e. without any menu or need to know the extension).
This would seem to be simple but is it actually possible on a BCM400?
Thanks for your help.