we just got norstar system.how can attendent give a messange on speaker of a phone which is being used?
i do get a light signal but no voice is heard.
is there a way so i can get voice message who is the next caller on line?
Feature 69 will allow you to voice announce across a phone which is busy.
Are you talking about you get a flashing light that indicates a msg in your mailbox or when your phone is being used, I'm not understanding what you are talking about.
norstargirl M.Parnell
Feature 66 will do a voice call, that is normally used when a receptionist wants to speak (two way) with whoever is at an extension without having the people pick up the handset. for this to work the stations should have handsfree answerback set to yes under terminals&sets->capabilities.
Feature 69 (what norstargirl is refering to is Priority call which allows someone (normally an operator) to interrupt a call in progress or override do not disturb. For this to work the originating phone must have Priority call set to Yes on Terminial&sets->capabilities.
the last option is paging (Feature 610) where by dialing the feature code (anything from feature 60 thru feature 630) will allow the originator to make an announcement over the speakers of all of the telephones (very useful when you do not know where the person the callis for actually is when a call is waiting. for this to work the originating phone needs to have paging set to yes under Terminial&sets->capabilities, and assign the stations where the announcements should be heard to a zone under Page zone under Terminial&sets->capabilities. JerryReeve
Communications Systems Int'l
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