I am an accountant about to start my own business and have bought a flash template as the basis of my website. I have done some (noddy) HTML sites before but Flash is a new beast for me. I have a 30 day trial version to use to get the site up and running. To be honest Flash seems to be beyond me.
The template has a horizontal menu with 'about us' 'our products' 'news' 'contact' 'clients' accross the top. Rolling the cursor over these opens a drop down menu in flash. I need to alter 'our products' to 'our services' and 'our clients' to 'Links'. I have played around for hours and have made zero progress. Please advise!
Also, the content for the site is contained within Flash, so once my trial version expires I will not be able to amend the text. Is it possible to place the text into an external text file that UI can easily edit in future?
If anyone can hold my hand here it would be most appreciated. Many thanks.
I can be contacted at marcus@marcus*NOSPAM*jessop.com
I am an accountant about to start my own business and have bought a flash template as the basis of my website. I have done some (noddy) HTML sites before but Flash is a new beast for me. I have a 30 day trial version to use to get the site up and running. To be honest Flash seems to be beyond me.
The template has a horizontal menu with 'about us' 'our products' 'news' 'contact' 'clients' accross the top. Rolling the cursor over these opens a drop down menu in flash. I need to alter 'our products' to 'our services' and 'our clients' to 'Links'. I have played around for hours and have made zero progress. Please advise!
Also, the content for the site is contained within Flash, so once my trial version expires I will not be able to amend the text. Is it possible to place the text into an external text file that UI can easily edit in future?
If anyone can hold my hand here it would be most appreciated. Many thanks.
I can be contacted at marcus@marcus*NOSPAM*jessop.com