I have a Nokia IP330 Running FW-1 4.1 SP5. Currently 2 of the 3 interfaces are being used. The external interface is eth-s3, the private network is eth-s4 and the 3rd interface isnt being used. The firewall is being used to protect my companies corporate network. We also have a development network. I want to know if i can take the 3rd interface, and give it a valid ip address of my development network and attach that port to my development network so that I can route traffic from my corp network to my development network. If so, how? Does it get done in voyager? does it need a rule on the firewall??? Currently the two networks arent connected and for me to administrate the development network, i get on a machine already on that subnet. Basically i just want to be able to route traffic from my corp network to the dev network easily. Is this possible?? The dev network already has its own firewall to the internet, and i only want to route traffic from the corp network destined for the dev network.
Thanks in advance.
Corp Network:
Dev Network:
Thanks in advance.
Corp Network:
Dev Network: