I have a sitemap that has been causing me some problems. First it kept getting ranked above the content pages that in linked to. So instead of having good titles & descriptions for my search engine listings, it would be 'Sitemap'. I added a <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX,FOLLOW"> tag to that page. It worked great in Google, but Yahoo seems to be having problems with that tag. The page does not get indexed by Yahoo, but the spider is not following the links. So now in Yahoo, not only does our sitemap not get listed, but all of the linked pages do not get indexed either.
Has anyone else had a similar problem? Or does anyone know a way around this? Would there be a way to apply the robots tag to only the Google spider?
I have a sitemap that has been causing me some problems. First it kept getting ranked above the content pages that in linked to. So instead of having good titles & descriptions for my search engine listings, it would be 'Sitemap'. I added a <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX,FOLLOW"> tag to that page. It worked great in Google, but Yahoo seems to be having problems with that tag. The page does not get indexed by Yahoo, but the spider is not following the links. So now in Yahoo, not only does our sitemap not get listed, but all of the linked pages do not get indexed either.
Has anyone else had a similar problem? Or does anyone know a way around this? Would there be a way to apply the robots tag to only the Google spider?