nohup java -cp $CLASSPATH TestSoapServer 1>/u01/app/soapserver/TestSoapServer.log 2>&1
The above commands are in a script on HP-UX B.11.00 U 9000/800 box
The command runs fine as long as the session is active. As soon as the session is exited , a message "There are running jobs" appears and on the next exit, the job dies as well . The nohup command is not working. Any thoughts/inputs/solutions from similar problems encountered?
nohup java -cp $CLASSPATH TestSoapServer 1>/u01/app/soapserver/TestSoapServer.log 2>&1
The above commands are in a script on HP-UX B.11.00 U 9000/800 box
The command runs fine as long as the session is active. As soon as the session is exited , a message "There are running jobs" appears and on the next exit, the job dies as well . The nohup command is not working. Any thoughts/inputs/solutions from similar problems encountered?