I am trying to query my DB with this statement:
set connection = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection")
connection.open session("DBConnString")
Start = Date()
This_Month = DateAdd("d", 30, Date())
SQL = "select * from Events Where Start_Date Between Start AND This_Month"
set rs = Connection.Execute(SQL)
The field in my table "Start_Date" is a date/time field. Am I missing proper syntax? Logically it seems to make sense but I get the error message 'No value given for one or more required parameters' Am I declaring the variables incorrectly? Help!
Thanks So Much
set connection = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection")
connection.open session("DBConnString")
Start = Date()
This_Month = DateAdd("d", 30, Date())
SQL = "select * from Events Where Start_Date Between Start AND This_Month"
set rs = Connection.Execute(SQL)
The field in my table "Start_Date" is a date/time field. Am I missing proper syntax? Logically it seems to make sense but I get the error message 'No value given for one or more required parameters' Am I declaring the variables incorrectly? Help!
Thanks So Much