We had the W32.Nimda virus last week and it took us 5 days clean it. We have 300 computers 1 NT Server 5 Novell servers. On one of the Novell Server we have 8 drives and all the drives were infected. We only cleaned it but we cannot stop it from coming back. One reason is Novell does have patches or what ever they need to protect the drives. I think the virus first started from machine that had outlook. As soon as I heard about the virus I put the patches on the NT 4.0 server Microsoft provided. After this the NT server was not effected at all. I am a Visual Basic programmer and I am planning to install VB.NET, but I can’t because I can’t install IIS on my server. I tried to install IIS several times but my boss always told me virus’s come from either IIS or from Outlook. Does anybody have suggestions to fix this problem?