When I run the query straight off it shows rows of results, but for some reason when it to the
"If Not rstAssignments.EOF Then" It doesn't pass, which means it's empty? All the fields on the frmReportParam2 form is filled in (hence result when running the query straight off) But it should return some result. Any ideas? Thanks in advance
If ([Forms]![frmReportParam2]![cboBU]) <> "" Then
Set qryException = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("qryExceptionReportWithBU")
Set qryException = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("qryExceptionReport")
End If
'add parameter to query - start date
With qryException
.Parameters(0).Value = DateValue(Forms!frmReportParam2!txtDate)
lngWeeks = CLng(Forms!frmReportParam2!cboTimePeriod)
.Parameters(1).Value = lngWeeks
.Parameters(2).Value = (Forms!frmReportParam2!cboEmploymentTypeT)
.Parameters(3).Value = (Forms!frmReportParam2!cboEmploymentTypeA)
.Parameters(4).Value = (Forms!frmReportParam2!cboEmploymentTypeP)
If ([Forms]![frmReportParam2]![cboBU]) <> "" Then
.Parameters(5).Value = (Forms!frmReportParam2!cboBU)
'.Parameters(5).Value = ""
End If
End With
'make recordset from exception report query
Set rstAssignments = qryException.OpenRecordset(dbOpenSnapshot)
If Not rstAssignments.EOF Then
strRES_RT = rstAssignments("RES_RT").Value
strRES_PC = rstAssignments("RES_PC").Value
sglHours = rstAssignments("RES_WORK_HOURS").Value
End If
With rstAssignments
If Not .EOF Then
bah bah bah
End If
"If Not rstAssignments.EOF Then" It doesn't pass, which means it's empty? All the fields on the frmReportParam2 form is filled in (hence result when running the query straight off) But it should return some result. Any ideas? Thanks in advance
If ([Forms]![frmReportParam2]![cboBU]) <> "" Then
Set qryException = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("qryExceptionReportWithBU")
Set qryException = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("qryExceptionReport")
End If
'add parameter to query - start date
With qryException
.Parameters(0).Value = DateValue(Forms!frmReportParam2!txtDate)
lngWeeks = CLng(Forms!frmReportParam2!cboTimePeriod)
.Parameters(1).Value = lngWeeks
.Parameters(2).Value = (Forms!frmReportParam2!cboEmploymentTypeT)
.Parameters(3).Value = (Forms!frmReportParam2!cboEmploymentTypeA)
.Parameters(4).Value = (Forms!frmReportParam2!cboEmploymentTypeP)
If ([Forms]![frmReportParam2]![cboBU]) <> "" Then
.Parameters(5).Value = (Forms!frmReportParam2!cboBU)
'.Parameters(5).Value = ""
End If
End With
'make recordset from exception report query
Set rstAssignments = qryException.OpenRecordset(dbOpenSnapshot)
If Not rstAssignments.EOF Then
strRES_RT = rstAssignments("RES_RT").Value
strRES_PC = rstAssignments("RES_PC").Value
sglHours = rstAssignments("RES_WORK_HOURS").Value
End If
With rstAssignments
If Not .EOF Then
bah bah bah
End If