Oct 3, 2012 #1 danny9000 Technical User May 24, 2012 2 CA I am not hearing the ACD agent's personal voicemail greeting when it's not login, any suggestions? thanks
I am not hearing the ACD agent's personal voicemail greeting when it's not login, any suggestions? thanks
Oct 3, 2012 #2 kwbMitel Technical User Oct 11, 2005 11,505 CA Please provide Type of VM Type of System Rev levels Dn of ACD agent MB Number and anything else that might be useful. What we have here, is a failure to communicate. ********************************************** What's most important is that you realise ... There is no spoon. Upvote 0 Downvote
Please provide Type of VM Type of System Rev levels Dn of ACD agent MB Number and anything else that might be useful. What we have here, is a failure to communicate. ********************************************** What's most important is that you realise ... There is no spoon.
Oct 4, 2012 #3 LoopyLou Technical User Dec 4, 2005 2,539 CA Yeah program it correctly. I'd tell you a UDP joke but I'm afraid you won't get it. TCP jokes are the best because you always get them. Upvote 0 Downvote
Yeah program it correctly. I'd tell you a UDP joke but I'm afraid you won't get it. TCP jokes are the best because you always get them.