BOE XI/Crystal XI/sp4
Need a report to prompt for params and export to pdf (&cmd=export&export_fmt=u2fpdf%3a0).
Report only prompts when exporting to the other formats, java/actx etc, but when I choose pdf it doesn't.
If I put the promptex params in the url it works, but I need to leave them out in this case and let the user fill them in.
Thanks for any help.
Need a report to prompt for params and export to pdf (&cmd=export&export_fmt=u2fpdf%3a0).
Report only prompts when exporting to the other formats, java/actx etc, but when I choose pdf it doesn't.
If I put the promptex params in the url it works, but I need to leave them out in this case and let the user fill them in.
Thanks for any help.