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Technical User
Sep 3, 2001
I have a swf that loops continously when placed on my site but when played alone it does not loop. The problem is that I woul like for it to play once on my site. Someone placed a stop action after its first cycle, but it still loops on my site. I do not have the .fla to the movie. I just have the .swf.

Can anyone still help me solve this problem of constant looping on my site? If not do you know how to make the movie be silent after the first cycle if you can't stop it after its first cycle from playing all over again?

Hope you knwo what I mean.:)
Im not sure what package u are using to build your page, but you should have an option somewhere to tell it whether u want the flash movie to loop or to play once. In Dreamweaver its in the properties box when u click on the embedded movie. Not really anything to do with the actual movie itself, so it doesnt matter that u dont have the fla.

Nick (Web Designer)
Just thought: If you havent got that option, look at the source code of the page. Find where the movie is embedded and put this code somewhere inbetween the Object tags:

<param name=&quot;LOOP&quot; value=&quot;false&quot;>

Should sort things out :)
Nick (Web Designer)
Here is how the code is as on my site:

OBJECT classid=&quot;clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000&quot;
ID=awards WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=100>
<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE=&quot;movienamegoeshere.swf&quot;>
<param name=&quot;loop&quot; value=&quot;false&quot;>
<PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high>
<PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#000000>

EMBED src=&quot;movienamegoeshere.swf&quot; quality=high bgcolor=#000000 WIDTH=300
HEIGHT=100 TYPE=&quot;application/x-shockwave-flash&quot;
PLUGINSPAGE=&quot;Version=ShockwaveFlash&quot; loop=&quot;false&quot;>

I purposedly took off the < > so that the movie would not show in here. What is left out of this?
I've had this code like this for some time it continues to loop after I place [ loop=&quot;false&quot;, param name=&quot;loop&quot; &quot;value=&quot;false&quot;] in the code.

As I stated before I have had a stop action added to it and the movie does not loop when opened up regularly but when added to my site it loops on the site only.
hi, u may have done this already as well, but try adding that line of code without the 'loop=&quot;false&quot;' at the start because that might be confusing the browser. Nick (Web Designer)
Why dont you have the FLA?...aparrently you probably have an SWF which doesn't have the stop action at then end because it would stop looping...

Is the swf complicated?...perhaps it could be made over again? Regards,
&quot;You say [red]insanity[/red] like it's a BAD THING!&quot;
Someone has placed a stop action in the movie. It does not loop when played alone. When I place on my site is when it continues to loop. I am trying to figure this all out. I do not understand the flash language really but I attempt to learn about this. I do not see the reason it would play once when opened up by itself but when its placed on a site it loops. I am guessing nothing with html can cease this movie from looping. And yes, I do not own the fla, just the swf.
if u just post the swf then we can have a look
Nick (Web Designer)
First make sure you're using the html parameter written like the following (without the &quot;&quot;):
<PARAM NAME=loop VALUE=false>
Be also sure to include the following loop=false in the <embed> tag if your happening to be using NS, to check this out!
If that still doesn't work, then maybe loading this swf into an empty target clip would. Since you could determine the total number of frames, you could then stop the clip when it ends and avoid the probable looping action it has at the end of it, and not a stop action as you're assuming!
Hope that this
was helpful!
Howard are you suggesting that I post the actual movie so that it plays in the room? If you are it would not be of a benefit because as I stated earlier it plays find when its opened outside of my html document but not within the webpage.

I posted how the code appears on my site above. Is that code above as you are reffering now?
Howard are you suggesting that I post the actual movie so that it plays in the room? If you are it would not be of a benefit because as I stated earlier it plays find when its opened outside of my html document but not within the webpage.

thats makes absolutely no sense..you mean it will stop if you put it outside your html folder in your server..however it only does not work inside your html folder?.and guys i think we are all missing the big point here..if it has a stop action in the last frame it has to stop!! no matter if the params are set or not..does it not?.

All I'm saying is that there shouldn't be any &quot;&quot; in your loop parameter and please note that the red brakets are also missing in your code:

<OBJECT classid=&quot;clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000&quot;
codebase=&quot; ID=awards WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=100>
<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE=&quot;movienamegoeshere.swf&quot;>
<PARAM NAME=loop value=false>
<PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high>
<PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#000000>

<EMBED src=&quot;movienamegoeshere.swf&quot; quality=high bgcolor=#000000 WIDTH=300
HEIGHT=100 loop=false TYPE=&quot;application/x-shockwave-flash&quot;

Have you tried it that way?
Hope that this
was helpful!
Let me put it this way:
If you don't have a stop action, it's going to loop on it's own! But if you set the loop parameter to false in the html, that swf will not loop anymore!
On the contrary, if you do have a stop action in the swf and set the loop parameter to true in the html, the swf will not loop!
If Restand's swf does in fact have a stop action (we can't verify that, 'cause he doesn't have the .fla), you're right, it should stop, the loop parameter being set or not! Which makes me assume that it doesn't have a standard stop action (it could be some sort of conditional one!) and that it somehow reacts differently within the html or on it's own!
As Nick as suggested, I too would like a link to it... It may give us other clues to what might be going on here!

Hope that this
was helpful!
oldnewbie I did not add the < > in this forum because in some forums if you do the movie will load in their forum. That was intentional. I place in my site though.

You said if a stop action is placed in the fla then place the parameters to loop true. This I just tried and it loops still.

I would show you the page but it is not near completeion I am waiting on instructions how to get Perlfect Search on my website so I did not want to display the site yet. I could send the movie to you though. It does cooperate in my webpages and I am not sure if it would in yourS. Like I stated before the movie DOES NOT LOOP WHEN OPENED REGULARLY. IT ONLY LOOPS WHEN I PLACE IN MY WEBPAGE. I have two other swfs in this webpage I do not think they have anything to do with the performance of this one though.

You want me to send you the movie? or any other ideas?
Please do send me that swf! Or a simple direct link to it (not through an html), if you have it uploaded somewhere!

Hope that this
was helpful!
Well DH,
Check your mail! That swf ain't looping in my html!
Hope that this
was helpful!
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