I have installed Open GL driver for GXT 800P after reboot the Login screen was too big then i removed Software for GXT 800P ,after that there is no more LFT avalibel
I have tried mayn times to install and remove the Sw for GXt800P and removed the HW iwth rmdev -l smint0 -d and reinstalled the Driver but still same Problem
Lsdisp :
ncad04_root / ¶¶ lsdisp
lsdisp: 0468-030 No displays found for the LFT
ncad04_root / ¶¶ cfgmgr
Method error (/etc/methods/cfg_smint -l smint0 ):
0514-033 Cannot perform the requested function because the
specified device is dependent on an attribute which does
not exist.
Method error (/etc/methods/cfglft -l lft0 ):
0514-032 Cannot perform the requested function because the
specified device is dependent on another device which does
not exist.
Diag sayes:
ncad04_root / ¶¶ more diag
exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program /usr/lpp/diagnostics/da/dsmint because of the following errors:
0509-130 Symbol resolution failed for dsmint because:
0509-136 Symbol aixgsc (number 50) is not exported from
dependent module /unix.
0509-192 Examine .loader section symbols with the
'dump -Tv' command.
Starting diagnostics
Testing smint0
Ending diagnostics.
A problem was detected.
ncad04_root / ¶¶ lslpp -l | grep GXT800 COMMITTED GL GXT800P Device Dependent COMMITTED OpenGL GXT800P Device COMMITTED OpenGL MP GXT800P Device COMMITTED PEX/graPHIGS GXT800P Device
devices.pci.14105e00.X11 COMMITTED AIXwindows GXT800P Graphics COMMITTED GXT800P Graphics Adapter
devices.pci.14105e00.rte COMMITTED GXT800P Graphics Adapter
Thanks in Advance for Your Help