Technical User
I have a Slimnote p88t, 64 Meg ram that has a display attitude. When I boot I get a display of the bios, drives in the system etc. Once it has completed the display goes very dim I’m talking some serious dim. If I attach another monitor and using the F5 function I am able to see a display.. Looking good..I have gone into the bios and turned off all of the power saving settings. I have updated with new video drivers, I have tried different resolutions, tried booting into safe mode... I got frustrated with it and put in away for a month or so....deciding it was time to get another opinion I took it to a computer repair shop.. friend of a friend thing.. The tech hooked it up and with the touch of Midas the laptop display worked perfectly .. I mean this guy didn’t do anything but boot it up… I got it home.. and started it up it ran for about an hour and then died…so now I am back to square one… sounds like is an overheating thing.. however in the past leaving it off for days does not help.. Sounds like a memory thing…any Ideas on how to proof this out?