Hello All<br><br>Firstly I have to tell that I am from Holland and that English isn't my main language, so you know why some<br>sentences or words aren't clear to you. (all apologies for that<br><br>I am using CR v8.0 (for 2 months now.) I have to make a report about what we sold over the last 30 days. In the<br>report 4 different tables are being used.(all dbf format which are linked right). When there is something sold #Table1 and #Table2 will be used. #Table1 will be used for showing some information regarding that title, next to this #Table2 is used to give the total price and sum of how many<br>products are being sold of that title. If nothing is sold of a title a problem appears because the information in Nr.2 (see attachment) of the title will not be shown when nothing has been sold! I wish I could see that if there isn't sold anything this would result at a title: The name of the title from #Table1 and "0" in the row "how many<br>products are sold of this title" and a $ 0.00 in the row "what is the profit of this title".<br><br>It seems like this<br><br>Nr.1 #Table1 #Table1<br><br>301098 PV 7.1a 18.0%<br>301123 PV 7.1b 7.0%<br>301176 PV 7.1c 10.0%<br>301177 PV 7.1d 6.0%<br>301178 PV 7.5a 10.0%<br>301179 PV 7.5b 8.0%<br><br>The 6 lines with information (T1) is only about #Table1. These 6 Titles must be shown in T2 but if there is nothing sold of 301176, 301177 and 301178 these titles will not be shown. How can I get the T2 the same like T3<br>(T3 is handmade now)<br><br>Nr.2 #Table1 #Table1 #Table2 #Table2<br><br>301098 PV 7.1a 18.0% 13 $ 1,072.50 <br>301123 PV 7.1b 7.0% 19 $ 1,057.12 <br>301179 PV 7.5b 8.0% 11 $ 775.28 <br><br>It must be like this way<br>(T3 is handmade now) (T3 is handmade now) <br><br>Nr.3 <br><br>301098 PV 7.1a 18.0% 13 $ 1,072.50 <br>301123 PV 7.1b 7.0% 19 $ 1,057.12 <br>301176 PV 7.1c 10.0% 0 $ 0.00<br>301177 PV 7.1d 6.0% 0 $ 0.00<br>301178 PV 7.5a 10.0% 0 $ 0.00<br>301179 PV 7.5b 8.0% 11 $ 775.28<br><br>Any help would be greatly appreciated.<br><br>Henky