I have a hard drive with a corrupted version of Windows that cannot be repaired (mainly all the time that would be spent trying to do so would be a waste because I just want to recover files and format the drive.) When I put this hard drive in my new computer, windows Disk Check moved my stuff (Program files, access to My Documents, etc.) to a folder called found.000 broken up in smaller folders with a name like dir0001.chk through dir0028.chk (this is separate from the Windows corruption). So when I get into Windows now, I do not see this found.000 folder (KNOPPIX shows me this only) but the drive indicates all the stuff is there. Also, I am assuming that this happened because of Disk Check but I could be wrong and it could be attributed to the corrupted Windows. So my question is that is there any software I can use in Windows to view this folder or a way to repair the error that disk check made so I can see this folder through windows at least?